I wanted to bring awareness to a particular chromosomal disorder that affects one out of every 2,500 girls. 98% of babies conceived with TS do not survive until delivery. Girls that are born with TS have one X chromosome that is missing or incomplete. The most common symptoms are short stature and infertility due to the fact that TS prevents the ovaries from forming properly. There is no cure for TS, but there are growth treatments and hormone replacement therapy that help with the changes in puberty. I was diagnosed with TS in 2005. Each year it get easier to openly talked about my condition. I have no problem answering any questions that anyone has. Even though it's hard at times, I know there could be bigger problems, but hey... short happens. #TurnerUp #TurnerSyndrome  #shorthappens #TooHardCoreForBothXChromosomes