Jojo's Turner Syndrome Fundraiser
Turner Syndrome Society of the United States
Jojo's Turner Syndrome Fundraiser
Fundraising Page Image

Jojo has had Turner Syndrome since the moment of her conception. It was 13 years later when she was diagnosed. We are now learning about all of the ways TS has presented in her. Emotions have ranged from excitement, fear, anger, peace, sadness, grief, and relief. It took one small blood test to diagnose her and it should have been done years ago. An earlier diagnosis would have made a big difference in her quality of life but none of this has dimmed Jojo's bright outlook on life. To know her is to love her.  

Jojo is walking for Turner Syndrome awareness on May 18 and is asking for your support. Donations go to the Turner Syndrome Society, a valuable resource to those touched by Turner Syndrome and in spreading awareness of this rare chromosomal disorder (1 in 2,000 female live births). Thank you for being a part of our village! 

Though she be but little, she is fierce

ABOUT Los Angeles, CA Walk 2019
Name Date Amount Comments
Anonymous Friend 05/20/2019 $200.00 Donated by Shari Correll
Brian Arguijo 05/19/2019 $25.00 Go Jojo!
Wally Bugg 05/06/2019 $20.00  
  Total $245.00